There are several types of equipment that can be used to measure the voltage-current (V-I) curve of an electronic device or circuit. Some common options include:

  1. Oscilloscope: This is a type of electronic test instrument that can measure and display electrical signals, such as voltage and current, over time. An oscilloscope can be used to measure the V-I curve of a device by applying a sweeping voltage across it and measuring the resulting current.
  2. Multimeter: This is a device that can measure a variety of electrical quantities, including voltage, current, and resistance. A multimeter can be used to measure the V-I curve of a device by applying a fixed voltage across it and measuring the resulting current at various points.
  3. Power supply: A power supply is a device that can provide a controllable source of voltage and current. It can be used to apply a fixed or sweeping voltage across a device and measure the resulting current, allowing the V-I curve to be plotted.
  4. Data acquisition system: This is a combination of hardware and software that can measure and record electrical signals, such as voltage and current, over time. A data acquisition system can be used to measure the V-I curve of a device by applying a sweeping voltage and recording the resulting current.

There are many other types of specialized test equipment that can be used to measure the V-I curve of an electronic device or circuit. The choice of equipment will depend on the specific needs and constraints of the measurement, such as the type of device being tested, the range of voltages and currents involved, and the required accuracy and resolution.

RAS will be able to supply you the equipment and training if you decide to get one. Email us for more information.

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